Ven. Ginikatuwewe Vipula is a Lecturer (temporary) in Sinhala at the Department of Languages, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. He received BA Honors Degree from University of Peradeniya and then took the Master of Philosophy in Sinhala from the same University. Currently he is pursuing his second Master Degree in Linguistics at University of Kelaniya .In addition he has obtained Royal Pandith Degree from Oriental Languages Society. Ven.G.Vipula is an author of several books in Sinhala Grammar and Literature and a veteran Sinhala Grammarian.
Educational qualifications
Master of Arts in Linguistics (Reading), (FGS/MA/Ling/2021/023) University of kelaniya.
Master of Philosophy in Sinhala,
University of Peradeniya (2013/14), Peradeniya. -
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Sinhala,
University of Peradeniya: Peradeniya. -
Oriental Pundit (Final Examination), The Oriental Studies Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Oriental Pundit (Intermediate Examination), The Oriental Studies Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Oriental Pundit (Elementary Examination), The Oriental Studies Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Research Interests
- Grammar
- Linguistics
- classical literature
- Language Philosophy
Research Publications
- සිංහල අක්ෂර මාලාව පටිපාටිගත කිරීම පිළිබඳ අධ්යයනයක් [A Study on Sequencing the Sinhalese Alphabet] (in Sinhala)
- සිංහල භාෂාවේ අක්ෂර වින්යාස ගැටලුව: අක්ෂර වින්යාසය පිළිබඳ ප්රවාද, එම ප්රවාදවල ස්වභාවය හා අක්ෂර වින්යාස ගැටලුව නිරාකරණය කර ගැනීමේ ක්රමවේද පිළිබඳ අධ්යයනයක් [The Orthographic Issues of the Sinhalese Language: A Study of Orthographic Ideologies, Their Nature and Possible Solutions to the Issues Concerned] (in Sinhala) (04th June 2020)
- isxy, NdIdfõ m%lD;s úIhl ksrela;sl j¾.SlrKh ms<sn| Yíofhda. úpdrd;aul wOHhkhla [A Phonotactic Study of the Etymological classification of Stems in the Sinhalese Language ] (in Sinhala)
- .=;a;s, ldjHh( Ydia;%Sh ixialrKh iy úpdrd;aul wOHhkh [Guttila Kavya: Textual Edition & Critical Study] (on-going research)
- isxy, wlaIr úkHdi újrKh [The Exposition of Sinhalese Orthography], (An Annotated Glossary of Orthographically Confusable Words in Sinhalese) (on-going research)
- isxy, wlaIr úkHdih( w¾nqo” m%jdo iy fhdackd [Sinhala orthography: Issues, Ideologies and Suggestions] Kalubovila: Vidarshana Publishers. (On printing)
- ;;aiu – ;oaNj jpk iy wkqrEm jpk Ndú;h [The Use of Adopted, Adapted and Compatible Words in Sinhalese]. Gampola: Sithmini Int. Publishers. ISBN: 978-955-7751-09-2
- jHdlrK m%§mh 3( wlaIr úkHdih [Aids to Grammar 3: Spelling and Orthography]. Gampola: Author Publication. ISBN: 978-955-42345-2-9
- jHdlrK m%§mh 2( isxy,fha ms,s Ndú;h [Aids to Grammar 2: The Use of Medial Vowel Strokes in Sinhalese]. Gampola: Author Publication ISBN: 978-955-42345-1-2
- jHdlrK m%§mh 1( isxy, wlaIr ud,dj [Aids to Grammar 1: The Sinhalese Alphabet]. Gampola: Author Publication. ISBN: 978-955-42345-0-5
- isxy, wlaIr ud,dj [The Sinhalese Alphabet]. Colombo: S. Godage & Brothers. ISBN: 978-955-30-5671-9
- w’ fmd’ i’ Wiia fm< i|yd 2017 j¾Ifha isg kshñ; .=;a;s, ldjHh 91-317 moH [Guttila Kavya Verses 91-317 Prescribed for G. C. E. Advanced Level Since 2017], includes an introduction, text, meanings and comments. Gampola: Author Publication. ISBN: 978-955-42345-3-6
- w’ fmd’ i’ Wiia fm< i|yd 2017 j¾Ifha isg kshñ; mqrd;k .oH ix.%yh [Anthology of Classical Texts Prescribed for G. C. E. Advanced Level Since 2017], includes an introduction, text, and annotated glossaries. Gampola: Author Publication. ISBN: 978-955-42345-5-0
- fmauf;da cdh;s fidaflda úuiqu [Appreciation of Pemato Jayati Soko], authored by Bihesh Indika Sampath. Gampola: Sithmini International Publisers. ISBN: 978-955-7751-08-5
- {dk ú,dis ( uvqudfka Y%S fmaudkkao wNskakaok Ydia;%Sh ix.%yh [Gnana Vilasi: Felicitation Volume of Ven. Madumane Sri Pemananda]. Anuradhapura: Sri Mahanama Vihara. ISBN: 978-955-7669-00-7
- úÿirŒ Ydia;%Sh ix.%yh( fojk l,dmh [Vidusarani: Academic Journal – Vol. II]. Peradeniya: Collective Bhikshu Association of the University of Peradeniya. ISSN:2012-8819
- ioaO¾ur;akdj,S úpdr ixys;d [Compendium of Literary Appreciations on Saddharmaratnavali]. Gampola: Sithmini International Publisers. ISBN: 978-955-7751-14-6
- .srd ikafoaY úpdrh [An Appreciation of Gira Sandesha]. Gampola: Sithmini International Publisers. ISBN: 978-955-7751-02-3
- kQ;k moH ix.%yh úpdrh [An Appreciation of the Anthology of Modern Poetry]. Gampola: Sithmini International Publisers. ISBN: 978-955-7751-00-9
- Wiia fm< isxy, wdo¾Y m%Yafkda;a;r ix.%yh ^m%lD;s l:kh iy úlD;s l:kh ms<sn| Wm.%ka:hlska o hqla; hs‘& [A Compendium of Model Papers for Advance Level Sinhalese (Also Includes an Appendix on Direct Speech and Indirect Speech)]. Gampola: Author Publication. ISBN: 978-955-42345-6-7
- isxy, NdIdfõ m%Njh iïnkaO u;jdo iudf,dapkhla [A Survey of Views on the Origin of the Sinhalese Language] Ven. Kambarawa Sumanananda & Ven. Vilgamuwe Hemaloka (eds.), Saara Sameeksa 2nd Volume, Mahanuwara: Sri Sangaraja Pirivena. pp. 39-57
- .ïfmd< hq.fha ikafoaY ldjH ms<sn| újrKhla
[An Exposition of Messenger Poems in Gampola Period] in Ven. Ranava Dhammakiththi, Ven. Puwakpitiye Hemaloka, Thunhitiyawe Ananda, K. Gayan Sisira Kumara (eds.), Viduwasa: 75th Anniversary Volume. Minuwangamuwa: Vodyawasa Maha Pirivena. pp. 79-118. - lú mka;shla ridiajdoh lsÍu ms<sn| ye¢kaùula [An Introduction to Appreciating a Poem] in Ven. Lihiniyagama Dhammalok & Ven. Senadhiriyagama Rakkhitha (eds.), Sahityodaya. Konakalagala: Sri Saddhananada Maha Pirivena. pp. 196-210
- moH úpdrh hkq NdId;aul lshùuls [An Appreciation of a Poem is a Linguistic Reading of It] in Ven. Gonapathirawe Gnanananda, & Ven. Ginikatuwewe Vipula (eds.), Gnana Vilasi: Felicitation Volume of Ven. Madumane Sri Pemananda. Anuradhapura: Sri Mahanama Vihara. pp. 152-168
- ldjH kue;s idys;Hdx.h yd tys iudÔh wjYH;dj [Poetry: The Literary Genre and Its Social Significance] in Ven. Dambulle Sudewa, Ven. Walala Seewali, & Ven. Hingurukaduwe Ananda (eds.), Vidusarani: Academic Journal Vol. 3. Peradeniya: Collective Bhikshu Association of the University of Peradeniya. pp. 322-356
- iïNdjH idys;Hhg idfmalaI j iïNdjH kdgH l,djla furg ìys fkdùug nqÿiuh fya;=jla ù o@ [Did Buddhism Hindered the Emergence of a Classical Theatre parallel to Classical Literature] in Ven. Welipitiye Indananda, Ven. Ginikatwewe Vipula, & Ven. Galaha Sujatha (eds.), Vidusarani: Academic Journal Vol. 2. Peradeniya: Collective Bhikshu Association of the University of Peradeniya. pp. 360-379
- wlaIr YslaIK iïm%odhh ms<sn| úu¾Ykhla [A Study of Pedagogical Tradition of Letters] in Ven. Unapana Pemananda, Ven. Aparekke Sirisudhamma, & Ven. Thenne Gnananananda (eds.), Vidusarani: Academic Journal Vol. 1. Peradeniya: Collective Bhikshu Association of the University of Peradeniya. pp. 231-249
- ‘Cumaratunga Munidasa’s Criticisms on Traditional Alphabet & the Organisation of Taru Akuru Wela’ ^wlaIr YslaId j¾Kud,dfõ
jHQyh iïnkaO j l=udr;=x. uqksodihkaf.a úfõpk iy ;re wl=re jef<a jHQyh&” Speech delivered at the 76th Commemoration
of Cumaratunga Munidasa, Colombo: Heḷa Havula‘Linguistic and Social Functions of Spelling’ wlaIr úkHdifha NdId iy iudc ld¾h, presented at the Annual Research Conference of the Department of Sinhala, University of Colombo.
Temporary Lecturer in Sinhala at the Department of Languages, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Languages, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Memberships and Awards
Resource Person, Gurugedara Educational TV Programme for A/Ls on Sinhalese Alphabet (isxy, wlaIr ud,dj), National Institute of Education, Maharagama.
Resource Person, Gurugedara Educational TV Programme for A/Ls on The Use of Adopted Borrowings, Adapted Borrowings and Compatible Words (;;aiu – ;oaNj jpk iy wkqrEm jpk Ndú;h), National Institute of Education, Maharagama.
Writing Panel Member, Sinhala Grammar for Higher Education, (Wiia isxy, jHdlrKh) Department of Education, Isurupaya, Baththaramulla, Sri Lanka.
Editor, Vidusarani (úÿirŒ). Collective Bhikshu Association, University of Peradeniya
Member of Advisory Board, Paramaththa Puskola Project, Labunoruvakanda Aranya
Gate Mudaliyar A. G. Thilakarathne Research Fellowship for MPhil in Sinhala Awarded by: Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya.
Samaywardhana D. M. Weeraman Prize for
Highest Marks in Sinhala Awarded by: Oriental Studies Society. Comombo.
Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship
Awarded by: Mahapoḷa Trust Fund, Ministry of Higher Education