Mr. N.D.T.M. Siriwardana

Mr. N.D.T.M. Siriwardana

Senior Lecturer (Transitional)/strong>

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TP: +94 774603138


I am Thilanka Siriwardana, attached to the Department of
Archaeology and Heritage Management, the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka as a senior lecturer (transitional) and a PhD candidate in the University of Groningen. 

Educational qualifications

  • MSc. (PGIAR)
  • BA (hons) Kelaniya

 Research Interests

Sprouting from environmental archaeology such as archaeomalacology, human subsistence in the coastal regions and ethnobiology in Sri Lanka.

Research Publications

1. Utilization of molluscs as a food resource among traditional communities in Kalpitiya Region (KR) of Sri Lanka, pp. 27,  Fourteenth International Forestry & Environmental Symposium Proceedings (18th -19th of December 2009), Part 1 – Abstracts of Papers, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
2. Traditional Sri Lankan Terminology in chank (Turbinella pyrum) classification and grading, pp. 287-296, Proceedings of National Archaeological conference, 2010, Part I, Department of archaeology, Sri Lanka. _terminologies_ in_chank_Turbinella_pyrum_classification_and_grading
3. Notes on some unrecorded tombstone inscriptions and memento tablets in Holy Trinity Church (1843-1900 CE), Nuwara Eliya – a graveyard archaeological study, pp.263, InSym-SUSL 2010, Third international Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
4. Primitive paintings at Lihiniyagala cave, Walapane, South Asian Archaeological Conference, pp.60, 2010, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
5. The wet technique as traditionally the most used method in marine shelled mollusc collecting, pp. 190-1, 4th Research Conference, March 25th -26th 2011, Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka.
6. Social group representation in the uses of marine molluscs, pp. 208-220, Santati, No. 04, 2011, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya.
7. Function and form related attributes of potteries: a case study, pp 213 -239, Sarasawi Lekha, Vol 1, No. 1, 2011, Research Library, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya.
8. Second protocol of the 1954 Hague convention: New trends and weaknesses (Yuda gatum magin sanskruthika depala wetha hani walakweema pilibanda 1954 Hague sammuthiye dewana mula pathraya: Nawa prawanatha ha durwalatha), Sarasawi Lekha, 2011, Vol.1, No. 2, Research Library, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya.
9. Museums and human remains (Ethics, Principals and Laws), pp. 57 – 72, Kautukagara, No. 16, 2012, Department of National Museums, Sri Lanka.
10. Sankha Culture in Sri Lanka (Sri Lankawe Sankha Sanskrutiya), Pranamanjali, 2012, Department of Sinhala, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya,.
11. Archaeological theory: the recent period (Purawidyawe nyaya: Mathakalina awadiya), pp. 233-247,  Samaja Wimarshana: Origin and development of Social Sciences Subjects, 2012, No. 01,  Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya.
12. Formation of shell midden sites, pp. 37, Reviving the academic excellence, 1st research symposium for temporary academic staff, 2012, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
13. Lakdiva Kataragama Deva Pudabim, (God Kataragama shrines in Sri Lanka) pp. 43 – 46,  Suriduni Kataragama, 2012, Ruhunu Kataragama Devalaya.
14. Reading for ancient maps: Transformation of the outline of Trincomalee – Koddiyar Bay and its vicinity, pp. 227, 5th Research Conference Abstracts, 2012, The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka. of_Trincomalee
15. Marine and brackish water molluscs as food in Sri Lanka: from ancient times to the present, pp. 242 – 252, First Palaeobiodiversity Symposium, 2012, Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka.
16. Shoki Yatagiyawa Windanaya kirima hewath Mruthya Sancharanaya, (Experiencing the darkened past alias Dark Tourism), Santhathi, 2012, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya.
17. Lakdiva Mutu Karmantaya, (Pearl fishery in Sri Lanka), 2012, Author Publication, Nugegoda. (book)
18. Inca: Hiru deviyange adhirajya, Navalova Shishtachara (Inca, the empire of Sun God), No. 01, 2012, Author Publication, Nugegoda. (book)
19. Susanaya: Sri Lankawe yatathwijitha yuga  Susana hadarimat mulika praweshayak, (Burials : An introductory handbook for study colonial burials in Sri Lanka), 2012, Author publication. Nugegoda. (book)
20. History of the use of molluscs In Sri Lanka from ancient times to the present: An archaeomalacological study, 2014, Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka (book)
21. Material Culture of Death, Grief and Memory: A Case Study, 2013, pp. 335, Asian Art, Culture and Heritage, International Association for Asian Heritage Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
22. Sankhaya ha bandunu Sri Lankawe Jana wanshaya, (The castes linked with Sankha (Turbinella pyrum) in Sri Lanka), 2013, pp. 209-212, proceedings of First National Annual Research Symposium on ‘Ancient Heritage for Sustainable Development’, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
23. Lankawe muthu karmanthaya ha bandunu Manawa Kandayam, (Social groups linked with the pearl fishery in Sri Lanka), 2013, pp. 85-100, The Journal of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
24. Thilanka Siriwardana & Anura Manatunga, Pre historic researchers in Sri Lanka contemporary to Robert Bruce Foote, The Asiatic Society, Kolkata, The two day international seminar on a hundred and fifty years of Pre-historic Archaeological Studies in India: Homage to Robert Bruce Foote, Abstract, March 31-April 1, 2014 
25. Coastal shell middens: an ethnological scope to archaeological contexts, The Asiatic Society, Kolkata, The two day international seminar on a hundred and fifty years of Pre-historic Archaeological Studies in India: Homage to Robert Bruce Foote, Abstract, March 31-April 1, 2014 
26. Mollusc Species Composition in Shell Bearing Sites At Kalamatiya, Southern Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2015 of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, 2015, pp 125
27. Ethnological features and Ethnoarchaeological potentials of Middle Yan Oya Basin, (in Sinhala), The Journal of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Volume 2 – Issue 1, 2015, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, pp. 105-125.
28. Some none-mollusc faunal remains found from a shell midden at Kalamatiya, Sri Lanka, pp. 85-105, Samodhana – Journal of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2018, Vol. 7 (1)
29. Molluscs as an indicator of palaeo-environmental changes: A case study on Kalamatiya shell middens, Proceedings of the 4th International Research Symposium of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka – Investing in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 2018, Rajarata  University of Sri Lanka
30. With Chandana R. Withanachchi1, T.G.D. Udyakanthi, Thilanka M. Siriwardana, G.K.Ruwan Nishantha,  Sisira S. Withanachchi, Application of ancient Sri Lankan dry zone water management concepts and technology to similar environments in the world, International Water Resources Association’s XVII World Water Congress, South Korea, Forthcoming (2020)
31. Testing the applicability of commonly accepted attributes of kitchen middens to distinguish the coastal shell middens in Sri Lanka, 2020, Samodhana 9(1), Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka


  • Member of the postgraduate degree curriculum designing team, 2019, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
  • Member of the Bachelor of Arts undergraduate degree curriculum revision programme, 2019, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
  • Career Guidance coordinator  of the Faculty of Socials Sciences and Humanities, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka in 2013-14.
  • IDAS (Innovatory Development Grant for Art Students – HETC) soft-skill activity coordinator of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. 2013 – 2015.
  • Secretary for the Second Annual International Research Conference organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014
  • Secretary for the First Annual Research Conference organized by the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, 2013.

Memberships and Awards

  • Archaeologist, Sri Lanka Council of Archaeologists
  • Member, Archaeomalacology Working Group of ICAZ
  • Member, ARCHON Research School of Archaeology, the Netherlands
  • AHEAD scholarship – PhD grant